Faust files another quiet title on property near Farmview Estates

Upper Nazareth Supervisor’s Meeting – January 17, 2024


There is an open position on the Recreation Board. Residents who’d like to serve should send a Letter of Interest to the Township Office.

There is an open position on the Environmental Advisory Committee. Residents who’d like to serve should send a Letter of Interest to the Township Office.

Christmas Tree pickup will run until February 2nd


A Tatamy Road resident asked for an update on the stormwater plan for the Tatamy Road/1st Street area. The Engineer said the report was presented to the Board and has been forwarded to Heidleberg Co. The township is waiting to hear back. Scott Sylvainus said they are also waiting for data to be collected from the Fire Department and Emergency Management about flooding incidents in the area.

There were also questions about a letter delivered to Farmview Estates residents from Faust about vacating existing rights-of-way and paper roads around the apartments on West 4th Street.(This is the 3rd time such a lawsuit has been filed). Residents expressed concern about stormwater problems from potential additional development in the area. The case will be presented to a judge on February 12th at the Northampton County Court of Pleas. Gary Asteak said the township will not be taking a position on this issue until Faust files an actual plan for the property. I reported that I planned to attend and protest the loss of an 80-year old right-of-way which I and many of my neighbors use. Scott Sylvainus expressed some concern with Faust’s plan to take all of the land for the paper road. Traditionally, when a road is vacated, the land is divided between the landowners on each side.

I thanked the Public Works department for cleaning up after this week’s snowstorm.

A 5th Street resident spoke up about parking problems on her road. This has been an ongoing issue with high school students parking their cars there during the day. She said there’s an ordinance and a state law requiring drivers to park 10 feet away from a mailbox. Some students park less than 4 feet from mailboxes. Chief Cope said signs are required in order for the police to enforce this rule. Concerns about parking on west 4th Street were also discussed as parking on both sides of street is a safety issue for school bus traffic and students walking home. Scott Sylvainus said he has been speaking with residents in the area about requiring parking permits and that the School District may start telling students to use 5th Street.

Scott Sylvainus also assured those in attendance that the township is actively working on the 4th Street gate, flooding issues, rezoning, the Faust proposal to vacate right-of-ways and parking on 5th Street.


Representatives from Tuskes Home presented a plan for a 10-acre parcel at the intersection of East Lawn Road (Route 191) and Friendenstahl Avenue. The representative pointed out that this is the largest non-developed Neighborhood/Commercial zoned parcel in the township. Tuskes presented two plans; Plan A included 144 garden apartments and retail space, Plan B showed a self-storage facility. Tuskes said that UNT has unusual dimensional requirements for apartments, making them cost prohibitive. Under current zoning, only 4 apartments could be built on this land.

Scott Sylvainus asked why this proposal didn’t go to the Planning Commission first. Brian Sayago echoed this view and said this kind of project has been pitched in the past and denied. The Tuskes rep said that only the township can amend the ordinance and that’s why he came to the supervisors first. Scott pointed out that the board has been approached at least 3 or 4 times about apartments on this parcel and have said ‘no’ every time.   Kristin Mullen expressed concern about traffic. When the stop light was installed at the intersection there was a 4-year delay as the township moved utility lines.

Mike Rinker said Tuskes needed to go to the Planning Commission first.

Another Tuskes employee said that this 10 acre lot was one of the few in the township with access to water, sewer and electric and that the township was tying up the possibility to develop the property.


Approval to redeem a $500K Certificate of Deposit for the Open Space Account

Approval to renew a $250K General Fund Certificate of Deposit for 12 months

Denied – A request from a resident to change the date (Oct. 31st) for Trick or Treating

Approval to appoint Becky Bartlett as a representative to the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority


Approval of an extension request for Overlook Estates to May 31, 2024

Approval of an extension request for The Estates at Silvercrest to June 30, 2024


Approval to accept the resignation of a full-time employee

Approval to hire a full-time laborer at $23.37/hour

Approval to hire a full-time laborer at $26.48/hour


Approval to the EAC to proceed with an offer for Appraisal #2023-03


Approval for a conditional Offer of Employment for 1 part-time officer

Approval to do a re-drafting of the Noise Ordinance

Becky Bartlett covers these meetings because citizens have a right to know what their government is doing.

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